Wednesday, 10 December 2014

i love you bestie!!!!

Some people are actually ones who come and change your life. They are meant to mend your ways and completely change the way you think! They totally restore your faith about things you believe don’t even exist. Ok, I am not talking about a lover. Though I wish I could experience that feeling but I guess the above description is quite worthless and small to tell you about it, I am talking here about friends! Friends, no not that show you T.V. maniac, I am talking about the people who we are comfortable with, who we know and don’t want to get apart from them. At least I don’t want to.........but however they are funny, sad, annoying or just crap they are friends. People often are not friendly and as I grew up I began understanding every letter to the core of these two words. As I was a small kid about the age of four or five I had faith in friendship and by that I mean a lot of it because I could easily make friends except the grumpy cat faced people because in that case I would have ran like hell. To be honest I was innocent and as I grew up I have realised that every single person around me is willing to sign a use and throw contract with me. To some people I don’t even feel like a friend I am just another option to talk to when they need something. It was bitter but truth and truth is better than a bitter lie. That didn’t made sense right? Anyway I have this awesome friend pallavi who I love just to the moon and back.i feel so good being with her , although we meet very rarely but still I am going to be with her all day after three months because I am joining her school! Although we are of the same school but we study in different branches. So due to our annual function practise... did I mentioned that I am in a stupid drill? Holding pom-poms? No? Well now you know it. So, due to the practise we need to go to their branch and believe me and my friends only participated to go there. We are some sick girls with crazy minds. So, today all my faith in people restored. Why? Because first of all I’d like to curse my teacher misses manju who is strictly against boys and girls conversing or just sitting around. I hate such people who in this century, even the time when we are at heights of progress and prosperity, where our society is reforming with the norms it had earlier created but we, the children, how will we prosper and develop in such a society where the teachers are not only accepting this change, where the ones who teach us, guide us are the only ones to shape our minds like they were of the society which we are struggling to change. I wish teachers could be young and jolly so that they understand the future of their country and I wish I could just ban such teachers who do such type of things and get this cautiousness in the brain set of small buds. It’s against us, against the future. What on earth does she thinks she is? Always full of sarcasm. Not appropriate to be called as a teacher.

Whenever I went to her branch she always used to find me and hug me and so happened this time! She came to meet me! Who she hasn’t been able to talk to n ages. I felt so good that I was important to someone! I felt so glad! I felt as if she was a real friend. I went to meet her and her friends and god they were so nice! As if they knew me since ages! Later in the break when Miss Manju sent all the boys to the canteen we were ferocious of the kind of behaviour we girls were getting. We weren’t even allowed to go to the canteen! Isn’t that partial! So, she came along with her friend and brought grilled sandwiches for me! Wish people like her exist even more. What can I do now with no words let to tell you about how I feel, nothing left to describe but still I want to tell you more about it but what should I do with this feeling of satisfaction in my heart and an overwhelming big grin......

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