Monday, 22 December 2014

are you smart for the smartphone?

Am I the only one around here who is so obsessed with my Smartphone? If you are reading this via your cell then you don't need to say a word. I totally get. We all are starting to live in a generation highly obsessed with technology which is good and good but unwillingly bad. For the most of us it is a beginning to another boring lectures about the ill effects of smart phones but I’ve decided to cut that, don’t start whining.
Before we debate (debating with you about why are phones one heck of a thing) let’s get to the age old history of these beautiful things. I am not going to paste the whole Wikipedia here but I am going to guess how it all started. Universally we all know how sir graham bell invented this and are still being cursed by some mother driving a car with his teenager at the back seat operating a phone but what if it wasn’t true at all? What if cell phones had been invented before that time for secret communications? Types of means which could only be used by the very rich and powerful or maybe for detective job? What if graham bell invented this to talk to her sweetheart across the street? I don’t know if that was what he invented it for but seeing the condition nowadays I bet he did thought of that somewhere.
Imagine if people from different centuries had access to this gadget. Imagine Juliet in the middle of a very heartbreaking conversation with her family members when suddenly her phone bell rings! And it’s a call from Romeo disguised as Lila, her friend! But then she was suspected and doubted to be cheating on her parents and family members and they take that number secretively from her call logs and find it on truecalkler! What a pity that’d be. Poor Juliet must stick onto letters written from her blood. What if at night they both texted instead of that drama that used to happen where Romeo used to call out her name in pain and anger but after seeing her face it’s all just love and desire in his eyes. What if they just texted each other like
Juliet: hey babe!
Romeo: hii my love! How are you?
Juliet: better than before! Now that I have heard your voicemail…. Things can’t get better than this!
Romeo: the colony people have ordered me not to disturb their peaceful night’s sleep by singing songs for you so; I’ll be sending you voice messages only from now on…
JulietL: yes, I was going to talk to you about that only… my caretaker has also warned me about that... I understand.
Romeo: let’s download Skype… so that we can see each other’s face whenever we want!
Juliet: baby I already have that! And guess what my wallpaper is? It’s our pic! See!


Romeo: oh wow!

I remember being a kid without that much of technology and more toys. Thankfully I have played outside and waited for evenings to go out and play. I used to carry a water bottle with me to the park sometimes with some energy drink mixed with it so that I can feel fresh in between the intervals. I used to wait for hours and believe me that used to be the hardest time of the day when it’s time and it’s too hot to go outside. There was a continuously changing decision about the attire that was suitable or not. Occasionally I’d drop late at home and get a huge lecture about carefulness as at that time I didn’t had any phones to inform my mother about my whereabouts but now that I finally have a phone it’s like me and evenings are strangers. I just sit or lay on the couch in the most unpleasing manner and scroll through my phone. Sometimes it’s so irritating to actually just sit there every day doing the same old things and scrolling through the oh so interesting newsfeed.
People will be people. My mother constantly reminds me of the fact that I can’t get any beautiful than what I actually am. Even after makeup for how long is it going to last? Eventually it all comes down to my original face. Unfortunately same is with brains. When people buy smart phones I think they feel they are buying some smartness for themselves. I think smart phones are carrying a misunderstood acknowledgement with themselves. You are going to be the same idiotic person you were after you buy the latest Smartphone or you7 just buy that 1920s junk. People just need to accept that there is nothing new left for them in the newsfeed and that there is nothing so cool about what they just did. People are begging for privacy nowadays and some people are too busy posting updates about what lunch they just had. There are some lunatics who like to inform people about every second of their lives. Sometimes I just wish to change my name to ‘nobody’ so that I can like their posts and their notification be like nobody liked your post. It’s been like a month or two since I had last opened face book and then there’s these number of mad friends I have and I be like nope later!
Well, internet is like the best thing that has happened to all of us. Some people use it effectively and then some badly but then there are people like me who are laughing anonymously at people’s posts from like half the earth away and not even without a proper account inside a blanket. The best thing on the internet is when it helps you with all the dozen homework which teachers think you’re going to actually study and write for yourself. a moment of silence for them and also for those who are reading this and wondering what’s actually wrong in that I do it inside their heads. ONEDOESNOTSIMPLYDOTHAT. I am so thankful to the founder of Wikipedia, Google and moths solving websites. This I will be including at my award winning speech. Without the internet life would have been a water of time. Now I can finally write a novel about how I spent a week without the internet. A true tragedy story.

Tell me yours and maybe we all can laugh about it together!                           

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