Monday, 17 November 2014

Finally today I can rest in peace! I did it! I just accomplished something which I thought would have been impossible for me but after doing it I just feel so good that I can’t tell. In everyone’s life there is a thing which they long for, something which others may have or maybe not. Something not just money can buy. I can hear like a thousand voices yelling the answer to all my problems. No, to the guy who just said smelling socks, except you. I mean maths!!!! And by the way what do you mean by smelling socks? I don’t get it why would someone want to achieve smelling socks? Take mine if you need. Well, however maths is typical problem of almost the entire human species. I find maths absolutely unsatisfying and unnecessary. I mean why would someone want to know the factors of the equation 8gdwgd7w2873jdkqbdyqfd7e923636370w-ohfdckcb? It’s not like someday when you are laying on your deathbed maths is going to help you. Or is it? Let me just remind you of an incident which made me look so smart but so dumb at the same time. I used to be in third grade when a very very itchy maths teacher of mine, and by itchy I mean the one who used to scratch herself all the time while teaching children. She was teaching us about graphs and pictorial representation which seemed like the easiest thing on the whole world (doesn’t seem now) but anyway yes it did and to make us understand better she gave an example of a survey which she held in the class herself. Each student had to name their favourite subject out of any and then based on the numbers that she’d get after the poll she will make a graph out of it. We do stupid things. So, excuse me but being a human being I did something stupid too , I told the itchy teacher of how fond of maths I was  (oh please! Like I really do!) . Although no one even remembers that something so weird also had taken place sometime in the extreme past but every time I recall this happening and I feel stupid. Like I should just go and get drown myself in a glass full of water. I am even confused of how the hell in this world can I utter maths to be my favourite subject? When I’ll figure it out I’ll tell you meanwhile where’s the guy who wanted some smelling socks?
So, there are these two boys in my class who I don’t know why are the quickest to solve maths problems while I am still not coming out of the shock of how long can a world problem actually get. Every time one sees a maths test paper the shock in their eyes gets bigger and even regretful. Even Chinese eyes get widened, what more do you expect? These two boys in my class make me want to groan and kill the maths teacher. The worst part about people who understand maths is that they feel supreme and don’t let others concentrate. The same happens with a bunch of people who frequently visit my tuitions. Such mathematicians don’t deserve our friendship. Such extreme betrayal using maths. To be honest such people need to stop coming to such educational institutions because they just are too smart that it’s a shame for them to sit in such dumb places.
No, matter how much I try to solve math problems I somehow end up looking like the grumpy cat. Meanwhile I work up so hard to be good at it but every time I just simply fail. No, not at maths! At just being able to score better at maths. The least I can do is satisfy myself with my best friend’s marks. You very well know what I mean. But recently I’ve got good marks which make me want to jump with joy. If I want to explain the feeling I’d just simply say that it feels like being on top of the world. The confidence which I had lost in the past years when I used to give my examiners a horrible maths paper at least I’m over that stage of my life. Now I’m improving and I bet you that feels too good! Sometimes all you need is a sudden boost that completely shakes you up and like awakens you. Like a bad dream that’ll soon get over. All you need to do is do the right sum at the right time and with the right guidance. Then probably you won’t need to search on Google to how to be good at maths.
Some of my biggest nightmares include spiders, lizards, ghosts, unfinished cake and time duration bell in the exams. I hate to be late at anything. I feel like it’s the end of the world when your paper is forcefully snatched away from you. The realisation and worry is intolerable. I guess sometime the odds aren’t in your favour normally in maths they are always not only in yours but in everyone’s. It was when only five minutes were left from the examiner to collect the papers. I used to sit on the third or fourth bench and so, I was quite worried about my early submission. I had left almost half of the paper upon god’s will and the other half I had somehow managed to do on my own with the help of some teamwork. Thanks to my friends who helped me in such hard times. I very well remember that one question which looked quite simple at first. The demand of the question was to find out a cube of a long number. Which I think started from seven but like they say things aren’t the same as they look. It was a horrible trap which trapped me into the long and unending calculations resulting the examiner to force me into surrendering and giving away the paper. She kept yelling at me for not completing it on time and wasting her energy but while I was busy calculating she was busy distracting me. It seemed so stupid that why a person would take extra five minutes? To complete any question right? But no, she felt as if I wasn’t involved into any solution finding but I was just relaxing. I wish I could curse that teacher and let her alone die in a horrible place. Oh my gosh I just need to drink water, my blood’s boiling! Can you please do me a favour and get me a glass of water please? Yes, you. The smelly socks boy. And remember to wash your hands first!

The conclusion to this topic is that maths is a complete torture to humans. Unlike some strange people who understand maths I am proud not to be someone like them. I can’t change the brain but I can learn maths which I’ve got going for me. Like mahatma Gandhi said that English makes us feel like aliens in our own lands I’d just like to make a suggestion that maths makes us feel like aliens in our own lands. Things aren’t always as they seem so I’d like to tell you to watch out for word problems in test papers as in class they are like 1 orange =100 +13 mangoes but in exams they are mostly like “ I have 6666876 things and 26y lemons. If I squeeze one into your brain how many fingers do I get? And last but not the least I’d just like to die rather than study maths and I know that the smelly socks boy is the right one to help me out for it. 

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