Tuesday, 22 July 2014


hello! have any one of you ever had goosepumps? like adrealine rush and send thrills to your spine? as a kid everyone wills to not sleep alone. no one wants to get struck in a horror movie alone. remember the time when you were forced to sleep in a dark, ill ventilaed room full of scary things. after the light is swithched off there are a billion thigs you'd figure out that could be or you'd just look at the pile of clothes racked up on the chair and assume it to be a monster looking at you. for  a moment everything in the room is coming alive. even the tinyiest noise will be of a serial killer. as a kid i am very well aware of that feeling. believe me or not but i get scared to death when something even moves an inch. out of 100, 60% children complain about monsters under their bed. well honestly no signs have been found of weird lond hair, slime or anything else determining to be a monster. they say that bloody mary comes at twelve in the night when you say bloody mary three times while looking in the mirror. they even say that ghost exist. but i say that real monsters are never found under the bed, they are sleeping on the beds. bloody mary comes out at twelve to tell people to be aware. and ghosts are just people who are insensetive. these aren't myths but the people are. what are we looking for? money, greedyness , selfish people , people who give up their dreams . people who steal someone's hard earning. people who kill . people who tease. what about others? not everyone's like that? yes, not everyone's like that. the rest are just ordinary people who listen. they never utter a single word against anything. they just go on. like puppets. if we don't take part in a developing the change then we are not a part of the change. the fact is that monsters are for real. not huge or scary looking but like normal people who blend between us. why do we look for monsters under our bed when the real monsters are inside our head?

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